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Some Reverse Mortgage Advertising Can be Misleading

Malcolm Tennant • Aug 14, 2023

Some Reverse Mortgage Advertising Can Be Misleading


The CFPB recently issued a consumer advisory warning that reverse mortgage advertising can be misleading and confusing. We could not agree more with the statement that some reverse mortgage advertising can be misleading and confusing. It’s hardly a surprise that the most misunderstood financial product in the country is advertised in a way that does not provide clear information to consumers. We are happy to see the focus on reverse mortgage advertising and the push for more transparency in the reverse mortgage. We work very hard to produce only accurate marketing pieces. We believe it is our duty to provide customers with transparent and honest reverse mortgage advertising. Education and understanding is the key to helping people make the right decision, which is why we spend so much of our time meeting with customers in their home or our office, giving educational seminars and talking with professionals that serve seniors in our area.

A study was conducted in which seniors viewed reverse mortgage advertising, they were then interviewed to see if they understood more about the reverse mortgage. Some seniors were found to not understand that the reverse mortgage is a loan, and mistakenly believed you could never lose your home. Misleading advertisements lead some seniors to believe that they would no longer have to pay for taxes and insurance, association fees, or maintain the home. Many seniors were led to believe that the reverse mortgage is some kind of government benefit, rather than simply being a mortgage that has FHA-insurance that would add to the cost of the loan.

Many of our competitors run reverse mortgage advertisements making bold, often inaccurate claims. The model of some companies in the industry is to generate leads and then assign multiple high pressure telemarketers to try and quickly close the deal. An industry secret that is not well known is that many of the advertisements and websites found online are not actually reverse mortgage providers!

They typically offer out-of-date information and too good to be true messaging. These companies sell your name and contact information to whoever is willing to pay. These companies not only market online, they run infomercials and television advertisements. That’s why it’s important to recognize who you are dealing with online. Look for detailed About Us sections and proof that you are dealing with an actual reverse mortgage provider and not a lead company.

There has been an enormous increase in the number of very misleading and self-serving advertisements mailed to seniors in recent years. We regularly are called by former clients and forwarded copies of mailers that they receive showing grossly inaccurate statements and making false promises. Several companies have been fined recently for stating or implying that they were affiliated or endorsed by a government agency or that reverse mortgages are endorsed by the government. This is not the case. Private companies originate all reverse mortgages, the government is not involved! FHA does insure the majority of reverse mortgages, however this does not mean they are endorsing the product for all seniors. To be clear, this article is an advertisement for Access Reverse Mortgage Corporation and is not information from FHA or HUD. Neither FHA or HUD has reviewed or approved this information, and they have not endorsed my company, or any other reverse mortgage provider. They simply insure the mortgages.

The letters and postcards sent out often suggest that you should refinance your current mortgage, even refinancing your reverse mortgage to access more money. This can be very misleading. The information in these letters and postcards typically comes from public records and can often show figures that are far from the truth. DO NOT spend any money on counseling or an appraisal to begin this process without discussing it with us first. We recently had a customer considering refinancing their reverse mortgage because a postcard said she would receive an additional $38,000.

Unfortunately she spent $450 on an appraisal only to find out that the numbers they based their estimate on did not take in to account an accurate current balance for her reverse mortgage. She wasn’t able to refinance and was out of pocket $450. Before you spend your time and money, call us. We can’t guarantee that we can help you in every situation, but we could have saved our past customer $450 that she wasted trying the process with another company.

We believe the reverse mortgage can be a great solution for many people, but it is not right for everyone. Reverse mortgage advertising may not provide you with all the information you need. Our goal is to help you learn enough about the program to make a great decision for yourself. We encourage our clients to include their family and trusted adviser’s (such as your attorney, financial planner, etc.) in your decision-making process. If they have questions, we’ll sit down and work through them until everyone is satisfied.

Read through what the CFPB has to say regarding reverse mortgage advertising on their website, and compare that to what you see on our site. Just to be clear, the CFPB has not reviewed or approved the information in this article or on our website, mentioning the CFPB is not meant to imply that they endorse Access Reverse Mortgage Corporation. Our reverse mortgage advertising is honest and straightforward. Our number one goal is to provide you with excellent customer service, always doing what is right for you, our customers.

Note: These materials are not endorsed by HUD, FHA, or any government agency.

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Maximizing Returns in a Rising Interest Rate Environment: Comparing HECM vs. Selling Bonds Strategies
By Russ 05 Sep, 2023
The Silent Enemy: Inflation & Fixed Income Inflation – it’s the silent enemy of every retiree. As the costs of living surge year after year, many seniors on fixed incomes grapple with dwindling financial resources. Just when life should be about relaxation and enjoyment, the daunting reality of running out of money before the end of the month emerges. Fortunately, there's a beacon of hope for those over 65 looking to supplement their income: reverse mortgages. But what exactly are they, and how can they help? Let's dive in. Reverse Mortgages: The Financial Lifeline You Might Need Think of reverse mortgages as the “anti-mortgage.” Instead of you paying the bank, the bank pays you. It's a way to tap into the equity of your home without selling it. For seniors over 65, this can be a game-changer. Why might you want one? Well, besides combating the effects of inflation, it provides liquidity in your golden years, allows you to maintain or even improve your current lifestyle, and offers peace of mind knowing that unexpected costs won't throw your finances into disarray. Decoding Reverse Mortgages: How They Work Unlike traditional mortgages, where you're chipping away at debt monthly, reverse mortgages work by turning a portion of your home equity into cash. This can be received as a lump sum, monthly payments, or even a line of credit. The best part? There are no monthly repayments. The loan is repaid when you sell your home, move out, or upon your passing. Additionally, the amount you owe will never exceed the value of your home, ensuring that you or your heirs won't be left with unexpected debt. Making the Move: Securing Your Reverse Mortgage Interested in harnessing the power of a reverse mortgage? Here’s how: Assess Your Eligibility: Generally, homeowners over 62 (though some require 65), with substantial home equity, and living in the home as their primary residence qualify. Get Counseling: Before applying, federal law mandates that potential borrowers undergo counseling with a government-approved agency to understand the pros and cons. Choose a Lender: Shop around for a lender who offers favorable terms and understands your needs. They will guide you through the application process. Undergo Financial Assessment: Lenders will review your financial situation to ensure you can maintain your home and cover property taxes and insurance. Property Appraisal: Your home will be appraised to determine its current market value, which will influence the loan amount. Take Action Today: Secure Your Financial Future with Access Mortgage Solutions If this sounds like the solution you've been waiting for, don’t delay. Contact Access Mortgage Solutions now to get a quote and embark on the path to financial security in your retirement. Your golden years should shine, not be shadowed by financial worries. Take control today. Call us Toll Free at 866-258-0377 .
By Malcolm Tennant 14 Aug, 2023
Malcolm “Mac” Tennant and his wife Pamela Tennant, the Co-Founder and President of Access Reverse Mortgage Corporation, respectively, have joined an elite cadre of mortgage professionals who have achieved the status of being a Certified Reverse Mortgage Professional, or CRMP. National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association (NRMLA), headquartered in Washington, D.C., bestowed the certification on The Tennant’s after they passed a rigorous exam and background check, thereby demonstrating a competency in the area of reverse mortgages and a dedication to uphold the highest ethical and professional standards. Only 101 individuals nationwide currently have the CRMP credential, including 10 in Florida. In addition to Mac and Pam, one of their employee’s, Eric Christensen, also achieved the CRMP designation this year. “Being one of just 101 people nationwide to have achieved this milestone is a testament to our commitment to reverse mortgages and our clients,” says Tennant. “The process involved to receive this professional designation was long and arduous and adds to the level of expertise maintained by myself and the firm.” To qualify for the designation, applicants must have originated reverse mortgages for two or more years and personally closed at least 50 loans; earned 12 continuing education credits; completed NRMLA’s Ethics Course; passed a comprehensive exam; and a background check. The certification is valid for three years, during which time designees must earn 12 CE credits annually to be re-certified. Applicants who are not loan originators, but nonetheless work in areas vital to the business, such as counseling, processing, underwriting and servicing, must have five or more years of experience. “Mac and Pam are two of 101 designated individuals with the Certified Reverse Mortgage Professional designation. As CRMP’s, they have demonstrated knowledge and competency in the area of reverse mortgage lending, and are dedicated to upholding high standards of ethical and professional practice in the industry.” said Peter Bell, President & CEO of the National Reverse Mortgage Lenders Association. Reverse mortgages are available to homeowners 62 years old and older with significant home equity. They are designed to enable older Americans to borrow against the equity in their homes to help fund retirement needs, without having to make monthly mortgage payments. Borrowers still need to pay their property taxes, insurance, any association fees and ground rents and comply with loan terms. Failure to do so can result in foreclosure. Under a reverse mortgage, funds are advanced to the borrower and interest accrues, but the outstanding balance is not due until the last borrower leaves the home, sells, or passes away. Borrowers may draw down funds as a lump sum at loan origination, establish a line of credit or request fixed monthly payments for as long as they continue to live in the home. To date, more than 900,000 senior households have utilized an FHA-insured reverse mortgage. These materials are not from HUD or FHA and were not approved by HUD or a government agency.
By Malcolm Tennant 14 Aug, 2023
The Many Uses of a Reverse Mortgage The complexion of the Reverse Mortgage industry has changed dramatically over the years. The FHA-Insured Reverse Mortgage is no longer considered a rescue device. Our typical borrower today is in their early 60’s, has excellent credit and upper level income. About half of our clients have a free and clear home and utilize the increasingly popular Reverse Mortgage line of credit. The built in credit line growth rate feature means that the unused portion of the line of credit will grow each year. The other half of our clients are using the Reverse Mortgage to pay off an existing mortgage, freeing up their monthly mortgage payment for other uses. We have closed Reverse Mortgage loans for some of Sarasota’s wealthiest families. From St. Armand’s Circle to Fort Myers, wealthy clients are being advised by their financial planners to look into reverse mortgages as part of their retirement financial planning. The strategy these financial planners suggest is establishing a Reverse Mortgage line of credit to draw on rather than retirement savings in a bear market. One borrower we worked with recently in Carrollwood has very little equity so he is bringing $60,000 to closing in order to pay off an existing mortgage. By doing so, this borrower will not have to make a monthly principal and interest payment for as long as he lives in the home as his primary residence. As always, he will have to continue to pay his property taxes, homeowners insurance, and HOA fees, and maintain the property to FHA standards. This is becoming more and more common; one couple in The Villages recently brought $110,000 to the closing table. This, along with the proceeds from their reverse mortgage paid off a substantial existing mortgage. They said that “even laying out $110,000 we will break even on cash flow in under 5 years, and look forward to another 20 years or more after that with no monthly mortgage payment!” Another client we recently met with owns a $1.5 million home in Palm Beach. He has no existing mortgage and is looking to tap into some of the equity he has in his home without the burden of monthly mortgage payments. This particular customer has the option of using an FHA-Insured Reverse Mortgage, or one of the Jumbo Reverse Mortgage programs we have available. The uses of reverse mortgages are endless! From paying off a home equity line of credit that’s coming due for a customer in Tampa Palms, to closing a loan in 8 days to stop a foreclosure for a customer in Hollywood, to funding a divorce settlement in Venice, the FHA Home Equity Conversion Mortgage, more commonly known as a Reverse Mortgage, is a great financial planning tool to fund the baby boomer retirement! Every borrower has a unique situation that deserves a thorough evaluation and consultation. Call today for more information!  866-258-0377  These materials are not from HUD or FHA and were not approved by HUD or a government agency.
By Malcolm Tennant 14 Aug, 2023
Reverse Mortgage Strategies Many new reverse mortgage strategies are available for your use today than there were in years past. Thanks in large part to these recent changes, the FHA-insured Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) aka the reverse mortgage, has seen it’s place in the world shift dramatically. Until recently the reverse mortgage was viewed as a product of last resort. The many recent changes have shifted the program into it’s role as a financial planning tool with many reverse mortgage strategies becoming clear. Forbes published an article on May 18, 2015 that discusses three excellent opportunities to use the reverse mortgage.  One of the most thoroughly studied reverse mortgage strategies is known as the Standby Line of Credit strategy. The standby line-of-credit option suggests using a reverse mortgage as an emergency line-of-credit to be tapped for income when the market is down. This can alleviate the strain on your portfolio that might come from withdrawing your usual income, allowing it the opportunity to potentially bounce back. When combining this factor with the credit line growth rate a recent study found this strategic use of a reverse mortgage significantly increased portfolio longevity. The second of the reverse mortgage strategies discussed was using a reverse mortgage to supplement your income in order to delay taking Social Security until your full retirement age. Delaying Social Security can potentially provide significant increases in your monthly income when you do eventually begin receiving it. There is also the flexibility of delaying Social Security to potentially avoid paying increased taxes, depending on your individual situation. When to take your Social Security is a complicated decision that should be discussed with a knowledgeable professional. If you do feel that delaying Social Security might be right for you, a reverse mortgage may provide you the liquidity you need to do just that. The last of the reverse mortgage strategies that the article discusses is the more traditional use of replacing current debt with a reverse mortgage. This is what many people do when taking a reverse mortgage , they use the proceeds to pay off an existing mortgage or home equity loan, or even to repay credit cards or other high interest debt. This can potentially lead to improved cash-flow for you, by eliminating your current monthly payment. It is important to remember that although the reverse mortgage does not require a monthly mortgage payment, you are still required to pay your property taxes, insurance, any applicable association fees or ground rents, and also maintain your home to FHA standards. Failure to do so will result in foreclosure. With that in mind, eliminating your monthly principal and interest payment is the difference between a successful retirement plan and a failed plan for many borrowers. These materials are not from HUD or FHA and were not approved by HUD or a government agency.
By Malcolm Tennant 14 Aug, 2023
Some Reverse Mortgage Advertising Can Be Misleading The CFPB recently issued a consumer advisory warning that reverse mortgage advertising can be misleading and confusing. We could not agree more with the statement that some reverse mortgage advertising can be misleading and confusing. It’s hardly a surprise that the most misunderstood financial product in the country is advertised in a way that does not provide clear information to consumers. We are happy to see the focus on reverse mortgage advertising and the push for more transparency in the reverse mortgage. We work very hard to produce only accurate marketing pieces. We believe it is our duty to provide customers with transparent and honest reverse mortgage advertising. Education and understanding is the key to helping people make the right decision, which is why we spend so much of our time meeting with customers in their home or our office, giving educational seminars and talking with professionals that serve seniors in our area. A study was conducted in which seniors viewed reverse mortgage advertising, they were then interviewed to see if they understood more about the reverse mortgage. Some seniors were found to not understand that the reverse mortgage is a loan, and mistakenly believed you could never lose your home. Misleading advertisements lead some seniors to believe that they would no longer have to pay for taxes and insurance, association fees, or maintain the home. Many seniors were led to believe that the reverse mortgage is some kind of government benefit, rather than simply being a mortgage that has FHA-insurance that would add to the cost of the loan. Many of our competitors run reverse mortgage advertisements making bold, often inaccurate claims. The model of some companies in the industry is to generate leads and then assign multiple high pressure telemarketers to try and quickly close the deal. An industry secret that is not well known is that many of the advertisements and websites found online are not actually reverse mortgage providers! They typically offer out-of-date information and too good to be true messaging. These companies sell your name and contact information to whoever is willing to pay. These companies not only market online, they run infomercials and television advertisements. That’s why it’s important to recognize who you are dealing with online. Look for detailed About Us sections and proof that you are dealing with an actual reverse mortgage provider and not a lead company. There has been an enormous increase in the number of very misleading and self-serving advertisements mailed to seniors in recent years. We regularly are called by former clients and forwarded copies of mailers that they receive showing grossly inaccurate statements and making false promises. Several companies have been fined recently for stating or implying that they were affiliated or endorsed by a government agency or that reverse mortgages are endorsed by the government. This is not the case. Private companies originate all reverse mortgages, the government is not involved! FHA does insure the majority of reverse mortgages, however this does not mean they are endorsing the product for all seniors. To be clear, this article is an advertisement for Access Reverse Mortgage Corporation and is not information from FHA or HUD. Neither FHA or HUD has reviewed or approved this information, and they have not endorsed my company, or any other reverse mortgage provider. They simply insure the mortgages. The letters and postcards sent out often suggest that you should refinance your current mortgage, even refinancing your reverse mortgage to access more money. This can be very misleading. The information in these letters and postcards typically comes from public records and can often show figures that are far from the truth. DO NOT spend any money on counseling or an appraisal to begin this process without discussing it with us first. We recently had a customer considering refinancing their reverse mortgage because a postcard said she would receive an additional $38,000. Unfortunately she spent $450 on an appraisal only to find out that the numbers they based their estimate on did not take in to account an accurate current balance for her reverse mortgage. She wasn’t able to refinance and was out of pocket $450. Before you spend your time and money, call us. We can’t guarantee that we can help you in every situation, but we could have saved our past customer $450 that she wasted trying the process with another company. We believe the reverse mortgage can be a great solution for many people, but it is not right for everyone. Reverse mortgage advertising may not provide you with all the information you need. Our goal is to help you learn enough about the program to make a great decision for yourself. We encourage our clients to include their family and trusted adviser’s (such as your attorney, financial planner, etc.) in your decision-making process. If they have questions, we’ll sit down and work through them until everyone is satisfied. Read through what the CFPB has to say regarding reverse mortgage advertising on their website , and compare that to what you see on our site. Just to be clear, the CFPB has not reviewed or approved the information in this article or on our website, mentioning the CFPB is not meant to imply that they endorse Access Reverse Mortgage Corporation. Our reverse mortgage advertising is honest and straightforward. Our number one goal is to provide you with excellent customer service, always doing what is right for you, our customers. Note: These materials are not endorsed by HUD, FHA, or any government agency.
By Malcolm Tennant 14 Aug, 2023
Reverse Mortgage Research Important Reverse mortgage research is essential for anyone considering the misunderstood financial product. Many studies have been conducted investigating the uses of a reverse mortgage, as well as the benefits and potential drawbacks. Reverse mortgage research takes time, and it’s important to consider your own personal situation before rushing to a decision. Many people will find the reverse mortgage to be a great fit and good option for their financial plan in retirement. Others will determine they should investigate other options. Take a look at the excellent article written for Reuters last week, “Reverse Mortgages Are Worth a Look, If Approached With Caution.” by Liz Weston. The author points out that even while CFPB and other regulators are criticizing the lack of clarity in advertising, that reverse mortgage research is being done that supports the use of the product. Economics and finance professors from many universities and organizations have examined the reverse mortgage program closely and devised mutliple strategies for their use. Reverse mortgage research suggests that setting up a standby line of credit with the program can improve the odds of your retirement resources lasting throughout your life. The studies published in the well-respected Journal of Financial Planning have supported the use of a reverse mortgage as a financial planning and retirement planning tool. The author’s have suggested everyone consider a reverse mortgage as an essential part of their planning. Recent reverse mortgage research also suggested that people act now to maximize their potential use of the standby line of credit. Financial planner’s are using the reverse mortgage and recommending its use much more often than in past years. The excellent analysis and research done by economists and financial professional’s has improved awareness. This is an important step for reverse mortgages, and research suggests that use of the product will increase in coming years. Be sure to do your reverse mortgage research and find out exactly how they can work for you. Note: These materials are not endorsed by HUD, FHA, or any government agency.
By Malcolm Tennant 13 Aug, 2023
Reverse Mortgage Success Stories Success Stories- Fox News recently aired a report on reverse mortgage success stories. Bob Massi, The Property Man, acts as a guide to making a smart decision and achieving a reverse mortgage success story! Bob visits with two recent reverse mortgage customers that have very different reasons for tapping their home equity. Both couple found their decision to get the reverse mortgage to be a good one. One couple was actually so pleased that they refinanced the reverse mortgage recently to access additional funds. The first of the two reverse mortgage success stories discussed in the program interviewed a couple that had done well planning for their retirement. They had significant assets in the stock market as well as equity in their home. When the time came to sell some of their stock portfolio to increase their monthly income they analyzed their options. In their case they decided to put off pulling money from their stock portfolio. In order to make up for the income gap they had, the reverse mortgage was accessed using a 10-year term. They will receive monthly payments from their loan for 10 years. After that time they may have funds available as a line of credit. This is just one of countless ways that reverse mortgage success stories happen.  The second success story interviews a couple that needed to get out from under their monthly mortgage payment. The reverse mortgage allowed them to improve their cashflow. Without having to pay the monthly mortgage payment (but still paying their taxes, insurance and other obligations), the couple was able to succeed in their retirement plan. They even refinanced their reverse mortgage this year to access additional funds which they used to update their home and take a cruise. The reverse mortgage can’t always be refinanced, it depends on many factors including equity available. In this case, the reverse mortgage and reverse mortgage refinance were success stories! Watch the video from Fox, and then find out how much you may be eligible to borrow by visiting our Reverse Mortgage Calculator . You just may have one of the next reverse mortgage success stories! Note: These materials are not endorsed by HUD, FHA, or any government agency.
By Malcolm Tennant 13 Aug, 2023
Leveraging Reverse Mortgage Tenure Payments for a Successful Retirement Portfolio
By Malcolm Tennant 13 Aug, 2023
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